Five easy ways to be more energy efficient

In the current climate we all want to be more energy efficient and after the energy price cap increase this summer due to rise again in October, doing so could help you to save money whilst reducing your carbon emissions. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of six ways to be more energy efficient that’ll be kind to your energy bill and the planet.


Only boil what you need

When you’re boiling water to make a cup of tea, only boil the amount of water you need. This helps you to save energy, water, and you end up wasting less time waiting for water you won’t use to boil. Only boiling what you need as opposed to filling up the kettle at the start of the day can save £6 per year.


Swap your bath for a quick shower

Choosing to shower instead of running a bath is generally more energy efficient and saves water. However, to improve on this, keeping showers to four minutes or less can increase efficiency even more and save you up to £35 per year and 99kg of CO2.


Make the most of the good weather

When washing clothes make sure to put them on a clothes horse when there’s good weather. Cutting down on using the tumble drier in the summer can increase energy efficiency, helping the environment and your wallet.

Turn down your thermostat

Probably the easiest and most efficient be more energy efficient way involves turning your thermostat down and wrapping up in a blanket instead of turning up the temperature when you feel a bit chilly. Turning your thermostat down by just one degree and can save up to £105 annually.

Shut your doors

Stop heat from escaping throughout your house, and your boiler working overtime to keep up by shutting the doors to adjoining rooms. Not only will you see the difference on your energy bill, but you’ll feel the difference in the temperature of your home.

Wash on 30 degrees

Washing your clothes on a lower temperature can reduce your washing machines energy consumption but cutting out the need to heat the water. This saves electricity without compromising the cleanliness of your clothes. Only running one 30 degree wash per week can save £28 annually and prevents 23kg of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.


Though they seem like small changes, incorporating these tips in to your daily routine can add up and help you to be more energy efficient whilst saving money and helping the planet.

Megan Baker